My articles have appeared in the following publications and web sites:
AARP The Magazine Advertising Age Alaska Airlines Magazine America West Airlines Magazine American Archaeology CNN Money Catlin Gabel Magazine Conde Nast Traveler Cooking Light CosmoGIRL! Diversion EcoTraveler Explore the Pearl Family Circle Fortune Small Business Friendly Exchange Hana Hou! Horizon Air Magazine Imbibe International Herald Tribune JCK (Jewelry) Magazine Journey Ladies’ Home Journal Los Angeles Times MD Meridian MIX Mobil Travel Guides Modern Maturity New York Times New York Times Magazine Northwest Airlines World Traveler Northwest Palate O, The Oprah Magazine Odyssey Open Spaces Oregon Business Pages Parade
People Weekly Playboy Portland (University of Portland) Portland Monthly PSU Magazine Portland Tribune Preservation Online Preservation Magazine Private Air Reach React Redbook Reed Magazine Robb Report Smithsonian Stratos Sunset Super Lawyers The Chesterton Tribune The Oregonian The Wall Street Journal Toronto Globe & Mail Travel + Leisure Travel Holiday Travel Oregon Travel Portland University of Chicago Magazine Via Virginia Living Vineyard & Winery Management Virtual City Visit Florida Vogue Walking Willamette Lawyer Women’s Sports & Fitness Workforce Management Yoga Journal |